Tuesday, March 11, 2008

That Sarah Lacy and Zuckerberg interview

After the tweet storm at the SXSW conference flooded the blogosphere, here's the video ...

Friday, March 07, 2008

Why Twitter

Via Robin Hamman, here in plain English is an impressive explanation for using Twitter from Lee and Sachi LeFever at CommonCraft.

In two minutes 20 seconds, the video made from animated paper cutouts and felt tip they get straight to the point on why people Twitter increasingly on multiple platforms, and why it is so popular.

(CommonCraft clients include Google, Microsoft, Boeing and Geffen Records)

Thursday, March 06, 2008

BBC promo box, Comments

One week after coming out of beta and going live, the BBC homepage (UK edition) continues to generate plenty of heated comments.

The longest comment thread is
here with currently 277 passionate opinions, and there is more comment feedback in a similar vein here.

The focus of the majority of detractors is the fixed promo tabbed box.

While the rest of the site is customisable with selectable and dragable content, and various resizing, reskinning and location-based options, the main gripe is that the largest item, the promo box is locked in place and can't be minimised or deleted.

The tab selections below the box causes the entire page colour section headers to change upsetting people too, although the customisation option allows you to override this.

It will be interesting to see at the next stage of development to what degree the user comments will have an impact.

Having a major redesign trying to satisfy many clearly conflicting user views and internal requirements at the same time, is certainly a challenge.